
Shipping Policy:
All orders are processed within five (5) business days (excluding weekends and holidays) after you receive your order confirmation email.  You will receive a separate email when your order has shipped, this will include a tracking number.  Please allow 48 hours for tracking information to become available.
We offer $5.00 flat rate shipping to all orders within the US.
All orders are shipped Priority Mail with USPS and typically take 2-7 days to arrive once shipped.
Rush:  Please let us know if you need rush shipping and we will try to accommodate rush-shipping for a fee.
Local: You can skip the shipping fees with free local pick-up. Customer is responsible for picking up his/her order at Fleet Fuels, 3400 Wendell Blvd, Wendell, North Carolina during their regular business hours.  (M-F 7A-6P; Sat 7A-12P, no Sunday pick-up).  After placing your order and selecting local pick-up at checkout, your order will be prepared and ready for pick up within 1-5 business days.  We will send you an email when your order is ready along with pick-up instructions.  Use the code LOCAL at checkout.  You cannot have a package shipped when the code LOCAL is used.
Delays:  If you haven’t received your order within 21 days of receiving your shipping confirmation email, please contact us at with your name and order number, and we will investigate it.
Damage: In the event your order arrives damaged, please email us as soon as possible at with your order number and a photo of the item’s condition.  We will address these on a case-by-case basis but will try our best to work towards a satisfactory solution.
Payment:  At this time aej creations is only accepting payment through Paypal or Venmo (when using a mobile device).  Due the the high cost of credit card processors, aej creations has made the decision to keep our prices low and not accept credit card payments.  

Artwork and Images

All art remains the sole property of artist Anna Jeffreys of aej creations and is held under copyright.  I reserve the right to reproduce any and all artwork sold at any time, whether it be a commission or the purchase of an original piece of art.  The collector does not have the right to reproduce purchased artwork in any way, unless discussed first and granted special written permission.
Artwork and images from this site may not be used by anyone for personal or professional gain without written permission from the artist. 


By using the aej Creations website, you consent to the data practices described in this statement.
In order to provide you with products and services offered on my site, I may collect personally identifiable information, such as your:
  • First and last name
  • Mailing address
  • Email
  • Phone Number
When you purchase aej Creations products and services, I will collect billing and credit card information.  This information is used to complete the purchase transaction but is held in an encrypted and secure payment processing service.